

FineVis Data Visualization

FineVis data visualization tool (FVS) meets the 3D visualization needs of PC/mobile cockpits and dashboards.

Contact Sales for Pricing: international@fanruan.com

Please choose the version first
Developer: finereport.chart
Plugin version: 2.9.1
Update time: 2024-08-29
Jar time: 2023-11-13
  • Details
  • Release History
FineVis data visualization tool (FVS) meets the 3D visualization needs of PC/mobile cockpits and dashboards.

[2024-04-01]Added the linked dataset name modification of the FVS component after the dataset name is modified. Added the deletion function for the graphic button in the radio button group. Replaced HTTP with WebSocket to allow multiple monitoring videos to be played at the same time. Optimized the FVS component error prompt. Allowed you to favorite the mobile FVS toolbar. [2024-03-18]Added an Enable Fog option for the 3D City Scene component. Optimized the chart storage, the calculation logic of camera panningSensibility, and the model selection logic for binding the model and the viewing angle.

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