Put some common functions in the plugin, convenient for users to use
Help Doc: https://help.fanruan.com/finereport-en/doc-view-1493.html
[2021-01-15]Fix the problem of scripteval concurrency analysis errors
[2020-08-26]Fix ScriptEval using error script engine issues
[2020-07-13]JSONPathFinder query does not exist elements polar modification to return error tooltips
[2019-10-30]Fix the problem of not compatible with Third package
[2019-10-25]Fix ScriptEval function issues
[2019-08-30]Fix the problem of classes under org.apache.commons.codec package and FineBI conflicts.
[2019-07-07]Repair English conversion bug
[2018-09-12]Compatible with 10.0
[2018-07-04]Increase the overall standard difference calculation formula.
[2018-06-15]Repair StringMatch parameter instructions.
[2018-05-23]Fix the DES encryption function key to use an error problem.
[2017-07-07]Mathematical statistics functions can directly use array parameters.
[2016-12-02]The GetIP function can no longer pass the parameters, the system is calculated by default.
[2016-11-21]Add a HTML page parsing family.
Grammatical query rules can be referred to here
[2016-07-29]Fix the last element to take the value when the StringFetch returns a single element.
[2016-07-28]The StringFetcH function increases the elements that return to the specified location in the array.
[2016-07-28]Arabic digital conversion to English functions.
[2016-07-27]String size write swap function.
[2016-07-12]String grabs the contents of the condition based on the regular expression.
[2016-07-12]Increase string pinyin first letters acquisition mode.
[2016-05-08]Add commonly used encryption functions.
[2016-05-06]Fix the errors of the StringMath function match the regular expression.
[2016-04-13]Add a JavaScript script function.
See here using the tutorial。
[2016-03-22]Mathematical statistical function.
[2016-03-21]JSON content query function.
Query syntax, see here。
[2016-02-02]String inversion function.
[2016-02-02]String match function.
[2016-02-02]Function Return Value Processing Function.
[2016-02-02]Character string turns pyon sound function.
[2015-12-02]Access the IP address function of the report.