This plugin is used to fix the output level of the log output (fanruan.log) with regular cleanup.
[2021-02-28]version 1.0.0 plugin
[2021-04-21]version 1.0.1 plugin. Optimize log archive file permissions
[2021-04-21]version 1.0.2 plugin. New log anti-repeat function
[2021-11-26]version 1.0.3 plugin. Adapt to FR11.0
[2021-11-26]version 1.0.4 plugin. Adapt to log4j2 . The original automatic cleanup function of the plugin is provided by log4j2 Rolling, if you need to configure, please modify log4j2 configuration xml; the output stack line limit is provided by log4j2 configuration, if you need to configure, please modify log4j2 configuration xml.